Recruiting Empowering
Use external talent pools to enhance your current recruiting efforts. Identify suitable candidates for your open positions faster.
How recruiting empowerment makes a difference
Reduction in time-to-hire and CV’s reviewed per hire. Access to untapped talent pools.
Increase in hiring agility. Meet hiring demands from departments.
Access to the right talent in less time. Shorter release schedules and timelines.
Meet business needs quickly and without unknown timetables. Flexibility to work on-demand.
Featured Service
Use an outsourcing partner’s sourcing power and pool to recruit candidates for your company. With permanent placement, you hire tech talent directly into your team and payroll, whether in Latin America or in the US.
They brought in nine quality candidates in a month.
Team Lead at OneInc
After a local search, we decided to go after a CodersLink candidate Luis, that possess not just great 8 years of development experience but also 10 years of teaching experience.
CEO and Founder at CodeUp
It took one day for CodersLink to find the ideal candidate for iLos, and three weeks to get Daniel to be successfully and legally working with us.
Head of Development at iLos Video
CodersLink has partnered with over 70 different companies to help them increase their hiring reach to identify and hire quality candidates quickly.
Our pool of over 12,000 pre-vetted candidates has helped companies shorten recruitment processes by 30%, fill difficult positions with key talent, and work with us on-demand based on business needs.
We start by understanding what your goals are to find the best way to partner.